Poetry for Mothers Day “Mother-Earth”
Hail to the Creator Who by a single strike created her;
Written By Imran Nosherwani
She has been bearing myriads of her children for tens of thousands of years, yet never made complaints for that;
She shields her children from the fatal rays originating from the arrows of Helios;
Her solitude, not earthly, can never be mended as She gazes nothing sort of her kind except a vacuum that lacks time and space;
I adore her as She is my loving and generous mother;
I may cease to exist someday, but she will stay alive for countless ages and bear my rotten remains forever that no mortal mother can ever do;
Everyone of us has got intrigued once by the might of blue sky in their childhood: it is every child’s first encounter with the wonders of Mother Earth;
Out of her innumerable children, Man is the most mischievous who bore greed, wrath, lechery, gluttony, sloth, envy and vanity from his carnal womb: these features of human race have caused irreparable contamination;
We must adhere our loyalty to the Mother Earth for it holds an unprecedented right upon our lives that is as immeasurable as beads of an ocean.

Amazing Poem
Very interesting points you have noted, thank you for putting up.Blog range